Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Am I crazy?

Hokay, I had thought about starting one of these things around about the New Year but never got around to it. Never seemed to have the time and, considering as much as I love to yammer on and stick my two cents into various bulletin boards, when it comes to something where my writing is the central feature I feel strange. However, after spending a good part of the last weekend among a bunch of nut cases who seem to do this on a regular basis I figure there may be something to it. So, while in the middle of an online poker game I decided to start this, partly because of the above reasons, partly because it was something to do to keep me from playing stupid hands, that I should be folding, out of boredom. Whether it gets past this opening is anyone's guess. If it does and anyone ever gets to read it I hope you find it enjoyable, of interest ormaybe even helpful.


BamBam said...

As the first commenter on this here new bloggy-ma-bob, I guess I should say something profound and eliquent huh?

Uuuuuh.... got it!

Welcome to crazy Sir!

Oh and another thing! I'll pass the message on to Peb's for sure! As a poker player, she's prolly always looking for a better offer to chop!

katitude said...

Dude. get on it.

If you write it, they will come *grin.