So I'm finally finding time to post something here after a very slow start. Work got hectic and not much time for this. Now I have all the time I don't want as I lie here in the rehab center.waiting find out how soon they are going to let me out. That's physical rehab, not abuse type for all you peckerwoods ready to believe the worst of me. The poker hasn't gotten that far out of hand yet tho I'm sitting here playing as I type this. What else is there to do when they have pinned your butt to a bedsheet and tell you to stay there until they evalute you as to what you can do on your own?
For those who might be interested, tho I can't see why, it seems I have suffered a minor stroke a week ago and it took them awhile to actually pin it down. In the meantime my left arm has decided to imitate a boat anchor and my left leg, originally a bit weak has really gone to hell after being kept unused for 4 days. For those who might care, tho that that puzzles me more than the previous might, the prognosis is good, should be hitting poker games in couple of weeks when I can find rides, tho dealing the RPT and home games may take a bit longer. Also means my shuffleboard rematch gets pushed back but I still want it.
Ok, have slipped down in this bed which makes typing difficult so have to leave it here for now. Thanks for the well wishes, both for the start of the blog and from those who knew about the illness. I hope to be writing again soon, if they don't wear my nasty ass out.
2 years ago
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