Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Finally back

The title applies to two things; I'm back here after a bit of a hiatus and I'm finally back at work after an even longer one.

A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all you folks out in the cyber domain. The week or so leading up to the holidays was a bit busy, had my daughter the holiday week and the following week I was just a) tired, b) lazy, c) apathetic or d) all of the above. Take your pick. No matter what, not a whole lot got done, either in my blogosphere or with poker. No free games, no live games and only a Tuck Fard or 2 online. Damn I didn't realize the situation was that bad. Well, considering the above circumstances, the fact that I switched my TV over to Fios and got 3 free months of all the movie channels (and I have been catching up on a lot of movie viewing) and that I got my daughter a Wii for Christmas (that thing is the shit even if she does beat the crap out of me in bowling) I'm suprised that anything at all got done including eating, sleeping and taking a dump. More about the holidays later. They were fun but now it's over.

Yup, it's over. Everything is over. My sorry ass is back at work. In some ways nothing has changed, first day back two major problems including a blown printer, one that was necessary for printing checks. Luckily had a spare tho now have to hurry to put a new solution in place as if this printer goes we are up shit's creek. We use antiquated dot matrix printing for checks. Try finding a cheap one of those any more. Today the firewall decided to do a striptease. It decided to rid itself of its configuration so we spent hours trying to get internet access back. Somethings never change.

OTOH, I have a lot of catching up to do. A lot of procedures and upgrades that had been in the planning stages before I went out were implimented while I was away so while I have an idea of what is going on I have to get used to doing things in new ways. I'm too old to be learning new tricks. While I was just getting used to not working tho it does feel good to be back and occupied even if I am missing my afternoon nap. It's amazing how much stamina you lose sitting around doing nothing. Even tho the work isn't physically strenuous I feel beat when I get home. The fact that I'm still not driving adds a bit of frustration. Hell, I'm getting out to work but still can't get out to party. Life's a bitch.

That's enough of this little slice of boredom for now. Thanks for viewing


BamBam said...

Trying to get back in good standing with the crap police huh?


Happy New Year Sir !

Memphis MOJO said...

Welcome back and HNY too!