Monday, April 19, 2010

A matter of priorities

Started the Poker from the Rail tourney in a blaze. Caught Quad Js and got a quick KO when Columbo filled up. Even a blind squirrel and all that jazz. Caught another KO when I caught Qs a couple orbits later and Willythe wise shoved his pp10s. Nothing for either of us on the board and I take chip lead for a bit. Didn’t last long as the very next hand I run K-K into Avoque’s A-A and hand over almost half my stack. About one orbit later I hand over half of what’s remaining to Xsyyunx when my flopped top 2 run into their flopped middle set. Never saw that one coming considering I had one of those 8s in my hand. Worked myself back to about 2500 chips with a few small pots here and there but go out a few orbits later when I my A-Q flops TPTK but Julleus is holding a K-K. Had some outs on the river as an A, a Q or a club would have given it to me but alas, no suckout and I’m out before the first break. Oh the ignominy of it, quads, two early KOs and I can’t even make first break. Oh well, I told the table I was there to donk chips and no one can say I’m not a man of my word. The Mookie on Wed. You know, been away from Tilt for a while and forgot how much fun these games can be.

OTOH I got a really good shave today. My mother was doing some Spring cleaning over the weekend and in one of her closets found two single edge razors, one double edge and, wonder of wonders, an injector. Gave to my father to give to me. Glorioski Sandy, didn’t know she was a reader. What’s a poker tourney compared to a close shave? One just has to have their priorities straight.

Thanks for listening


BamBam said...

Sorry I didn't get back to you in time Wolfy. Glad you figured it out though.

G/L the rest of the way!

lightning36 said...

It seems like the poker gods evened up the score with you too quickly. They could have at least teased you with a better finish.

Well, as you saw last night, I was in prime suckout form. I got virtually no cards and never got a good set up when I did. Lost the big flip to smokkee at the end, unfortunately, which probably would have sent me deep into the tournament.

I hope to play the Mookie but am not sure. That should be some donkfest -- probably 100+ runners.

Wolfshead said...


the poker gods have been reaming me royally over the last few days. Hoping they find someone else to harrass soon.