Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Some more politics

You know I keep hearing the GOP say they want banking and financial reform, a good political move from the way Main Street feels about Wall Street, yet they stand in a solid bloc behind Minority Leader Mitch McConnell as he yells NO at the top of his lungs and tries using the same scare tactics about the banking bill that he used concerning heath care. He’s not even saying that the GOP wants a bill and while they have problems with the one sitting there to be passed and that he and his fellow Republicans are working with the Democrats to iron out some differences he just keeps yelling NO and trying to convince Joe the Plumber that the bill is nothing but a big government bailout of banks should they again need one. So what is it? Are the Republicans just a bunch of dumb assholes or do they think that Joe and Jane Citizen are? Considering the amount of people who still believe that Obama was not born a US citizen or how many people they convinced that the health care bill was pure socialism it may be they are betting on the latter. All I can say is that considering it was their hurry to deregulate these self same institutions, and thereby causing the current economic situation. they now say they want to regulate I somehow find it hard to believe that they really feel regulation is necessary. After all, if we take care of the rich they’ll look after us. Hasn’t that been the GOP mantra since the days of Saint Ronnie if not longer? Maybe some of you may not agree with me but just remember this, these self same dickheads, who were in a great hurry to deregulate every thing in sight when they were in power were more than willing to take the time out to find some way to regulate your ability to play online poker. Think they are on your side?

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