Friday, April 30, 2010

Oh to slip the surly bonds of earth

Been catching up on my blog reading and came across a couple of mentions of a Survivor tourney, usually by Josie. Finally find a link to it in Rigg’s blog and follow it to check it out. What the fuck is going on here? I spend almost every night navigating the shoals of reality shows in hopes of finding something decent to watch and now someone has the frikkin brilliant ideas of bringing them to the poker table? Poker is my escape from such dreck. I take pride in being one of the few, if not the only, persons in the US with a TV set to have never seen one episode of either Survivor or American Idol. In fact I could almost claim to have never seen an episode of any of the multitude of reality shows that Survivor has spawned except I have to cop to having once watched an episode of Dancing with the Stars, but only one mind you. Yet now some peckerwood has seen fit to drag the garbage to the poker table. How come I smell Riggs in here somewhere?

Of course I can see why Josie is anxious to play. If I read this thing right it’s based on Survivor where so many start and one by one they get voted off. Just picture it, Josie and a bunch of drooling males thinking with the head between their legs rather than the one on their shoulders as the contestants. Can you picture one of them voting Josie off? Hell, they’re all going to be stabbing each other in the back in the hopes of getting to be the one to go one on one on top of with Josie. Damn, she’ll be able to play them and gut them like trout. No wonder she’s anxious to get it started, she’s practically got it locked up already. Might be interesting to follow at that.

What else is there to talk about? Right now not much. People dream about sitting around with nothing to do when they retire. Believe me, it sucks. Hell, even when I was in the hospital with my ass pinned to a bed there was still the obnoxious rules and officious attitudes to skewer and the enforcers of such to drive mad. I had fodder for this blog and an audience to enlighten. Sitting here, stuck in the house, my mind stagnates. I can’t even go to the bar games and make myself obnoxious there. Well, not that I really can’t go but I try to walk only when necessary to keep pressure off this fucked up foot so that it can heal faster. Of course if I should get a message that there is a real poker game somewhere walking becomes necessary. But on the whole I am bored. Bored, bored, bored. I don’t even feel like reading right now and anyone who knows me knows that is a bad sign. Hopefully this mood shall soon pass. Would be nice if the feds would make up their mind on the disability app I sent in. If they approve I can make some plans to visit Vegas knowing I have some cash flow and can blow a bit of savings. If they decline I can at least get fired up to fight. The waiting sucks even though I know it’s going to be at least another month until I hear anything. Of course I might even get an approval but the doc will say no because of the foot. That would be a bitch. Oh well, we’ll see. Enough being a whiney bitch. Something will break soon.

Oh, btw. If any of you folks enjoy sf/fantasy stories I said I would plug one for an online acquaintance from one of my literary forums. Guy is an aspiring writer and has put a couple of stories up on His name is Chris Northern and I read the first one he told me about, The Last King’s Amulet. On the whole not a bad story. He’s still a bit raw and needs a better proof reader in spots but it was enjoyable and kept me fairly interested and turning pages. It’s also got me reading the sequel, The Key to the Grave. The story is cheap compared to paperbacks, only $2 to download. So if you are interested in that kind of story and looking for a new author give him a try. Hey, if he makes it you’ll be able to say, I knew him when … Also you get to critique his work if you wish, something I’m sure he will appreciate as he’s still new to the game and working on improving where he can and if you enjoy there is another story out there already waiting. Give him a try if the genre is your thing.

Hokay, enough commercials. Thanks for the listen.


Josie said...

It's time to pet The Wolf!

Wolfie, I love Survivor and the combo of that and poker really appeals to me. But I think you're wrong. MAYBE you'd be right if this were live, but not online. "Assets" don't work as well online. Plus these guys aren't nice and like to fuck with me (loretta). I betcha they vote me off first. What I'm hoping for is a rule like you can only vote off the worst 3 in the game. That way good play and outcome is rewarded. If you're out in the bottom 3 you're vulnerable to being voted off.

Damn I wanna play this game. Hopefully Riggs and his buddies will get off their asses and we'll get started.

Any time you need your fur brushed let me know. ;)

lightning36 said...

They decided to wait on Survivor until after BBT5.