Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Is it just me

or does anyone else seem to think that ESPN is the house organ for the Yankees and the Lakers? Trying to get some info on ssome games tonight, including the Phils and it seems every 5 min they are cutting back to either of those teams. Don't know whose ass they kissed more tonight, Kobe's or Arod's.


OhCaptain said...

You're just noticing this?

Wolfshead said...

Not really, I usually avoid ESPN just because of it but was jonesing for some news tonite

lightning36 said...

ESPN has thought that MLB consists of only the Yankees and Red Sox for years. As for the NBA ... rarely watch except for a playoff game or two.

Josie said...

There ain't that much sox news on espn!!! You have to go to nesn for that.

Josie said...

Wolfie, I don't see any links to Very Josie ANYWHERE. Get on that shit pronto, willya?

Wolfshead said...

Sorry, somehow you just don't seem to be involved with my reminises.

Josie said...

Not YET. *evil grin*